
International $500 Giveaway

Hi guys!! Is giveaway time... thanks to Socialyte.co and Edition01 you could win $500 to spent at their luxury online shop.

The winner will be contacted by Edition01 and announced on Socialyte.co on March 31st!! . Good Luck everyone!! :)

How to enter ? / Como participar?  
Register on / Regístrate en Edition01 - HERE
Like us on facebook - HERE
Follow on bloglovin - HERE

Let me know you enter by leaving a comment. - no email is necessary as you already leave your information at the registration form
Deja un comentario en este post para saber que has participado - no es necesario el email, ya que has dejado tus datos en la web de Edition01-

Hola todos!! Es tiempo de sorteos.. esta vez gracias a Socialyte.co  podrán ganar $500 para gastar en la tienda online con marcas de lujo Edition01.
El ganador será contactado por Edition01 y lo anunciarán en Socialyte.co el 31 de Marzo !!
Mucha suerte a todos.


135 comentarios:

samantha.tedesco dijo...

Wow, great giveaway!!!!
Thank you!!!
Enter me, please :)

Samantha Tedesco

Debora dijo...

I entered the giveaway!
On fb: Debora Ferri

Phillip Eckert dijo...

hey guapa que no me lo pierdo...participando estoy...

CrippleHorse dijo...

Registered, I like you on facebook as Despina Vnt and I follow on bloglovin

Thank so much,

Esther Mädchen dijo...

me gusta este sorteo! a ver si tengo suerte por una vez!


CrippleHorse dijo...

I'm not sure my comment was registered, can't see it...
Anyway, I repeat it.
I have registered, I follow on FB as Despina Vnt and on bloglovin'


Anónimo dijo...

Hola guapa! me encantó el sorteo y la página tiene cosas chulísimas! Estoy suscripta a todas.
Saludos ! =)

Unknown dijo...

Just registered! Liked your page on Facebook and I'm following on bloglovin!

This is great! Thanks!


Raquel dijo...

Ya me he registrado! tengo k dejarte algún dato más? k bonito es el vestido! me encanta!

Damla dijo...

I registered.

Like on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweepstakelover

Follow on bloglovin.

annabell_lee_dk (at) yahoo.com

B.A.D dijo...

This looks great! I am trying my luck aswell:P

burbujitabebe dijo...

pedazo sorteo!!!!
me apunto!!!
ya me registré! ^.^

¿qué hay de nuevo, amiga? dijo...

Ya me he apuntado! Besos.

Lulu dijo...

I'm in!!!
FB: Olesia Flegka
Bloglovin/email: redalepou@yahoo.com

Boheme.Fille dijo...

Ok, I've registred on Edition01, the other steps were done a long time ago.:)

I love my old Levi's dijo...

Guay ! Me apunti :)
Mi e-mail es ilovemyoldlevis@hotmail.com
y sigo todos los pasos


Sara dijo...

Registrada en edition! A ti ya te sigo en facebook y bloglovin:)

Superblondeep dijo...

ya está! todo hecho! ya he participado...ahora espero ganar! madre mia, seria muy fuertecito, menudo premiazo! besitos :))

sissuka dijo...

Hola guapa¡¡¡¡

Me apunto¡¡¡¡

A ver si hay suerte¡¡¡¡

Te sigo como: sissuka
TE sigo en Bloglovin
En FB: Lara Martin Garcia
Mi email: sissuka@gmail.com
Y me he registrado en la web¡¡¡


sophie dijo...

all done ( name registered on edition01 is sophie paul)

lucia m dijo...

perfect pair of shoes!!


Anónimo dijo...

Hola Aminta! Ya me registré y cumpli todos los pasos :) espero tener suerte!!

Un besazo

Montserrat Salinas dijo...

Gran sorteo!




wow, eso si que es un premio!


Elenusqui dijo...

Hola!! Me apuntoo!
Mi nick es Elenusqui, y mi FB es Gato Negro.

Gracias!!!!! :D

Nádia dijo...



punkettina85 dijo...

I registered.
Like on FB:flower bomb
Follow on bloglovin:

Unknown dijo...

WOW Un sorteo muy cool!!


xandra dijo...

Me apunto !!!

Estoy registrada en Edition01.
Mi nick en Facebook es Xandratelier Shop On Line.
Mi nick en Bloglovin es Xandratelier.



Crímenes de la Moda dijo...

Aminta! ya le he apuntado al sorteo a ver si hay suerte! y ya de paso te sigo por bloglovin que antes no lo hacía ;) besos

Crímenes de la Moda dijo...

Aminta! ya le he apuntado al sorteo a ver si hay suerte! y ya de paso te sigo por bloglovin que antes no lo hacía ;) besos

VenusdeKenny dijo...

Enter me please!!

laroyal dijo...

I Registered, I like you on facebook as Laura Royal, and I follow on bloglovin

Amazing giveaway! Thanks for a chance!

Pull Your Socks Up! dijo...

Woo hoo!! I can tick all the boxes:) I can't wait to see your next DIY!! xo

Anónimo dijo...

me apunto!

lola dijo...

umm, me apunto! a ver si hay suerte!

Mrs. D dijo...

Good luck to me! xxx

PS: curious to see the next DIY!

my thrifty closet dijo...

fabulous giveaway! Thanks!


Zuley dijo...

Wow, que suerte a quien reciba el giveaway! Zuleika

Sparkle dijo...

Done! Love the site! Crossing my fingers that I win :)

mstammyy dijo...

apuntada estoy!!muchas gracias!!

Irene P. dijo...

a ver si tocaaaaa, jajaja

Rocío Heras dijo...

Sorteo de los buenos :) Ya estoy apuntada en todo, a ver si hay suerte :D Besos!!

Sara dijo...

Ah! Pues quiero participar tambien, suena muy muy bien! :) Graciaaas!


Unknown dijo...

Wow, awesome giveaway! I registered on their website, liked the page and following on Bloglovin'.

Name is Roxana Ifrim.

Thank you for this :)

Katarzyna dijo...

Done everything! :)


LittleSweetSa dijo...

Gracias por el sorteo, a ver si hay suerte :)

verotronik dijo...

so happy about this giveawya! fingers crossed!! like-follow-register!
have a nice week!

Anónimo dijo...


Obscurial483 dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Mihaela Pojogu dijo...

awesome giveaway!
registered on their website, liked the page and following on Bloglovin'.

Name is mihaela pojogu.
mihaela.mihordea at gmail dot com

Thank you for this :)

Raquel T.G. dijo...

Buffff, pedazo de sorteo, no Aminta? =)
Apuntada quedo! Además no conocía la existencia de esa tienda online y tiene muy buena pinta, ya estoy registrada :) a ver si hay suerte!!
Un besazoo

laura f dijo...

me apunto
laura f

peniam dijo...

wonderful!!! Thanks a lot :)

Insomnia dijo...

Crazy giveaway! I'm in!

Sabina x

La Chunga Tattoo dijo...

Me apunto :)

Lyudmila dijo...

FB name is Lyudmila Sizova
Follow on bloglovin = lusizova at gmail.com

Tracey dijo...

I registered, FB follower-tracey byram, bloglovin follower.

Tina B. dijo...

Registered at Edition01 and
Following you on Bloglovin:
treneebarker at hotmail dot com
Like you on FB: Tina Renee Barker

Tina Renee
treneebarker at hotmail dot com

MoonRae dijo...

I'm already registered at Edition01
I already like you on fB & follow on Bloglovin'
(Sharon Siqueiros)
Thanks for a great giveaway!!

Anónimo dijo...

I entered! Thanks for a great giveaway :)

Holly S. dijo...

I'm registered on Edition 01 under hstorm799{at}gmail{dot}com, I like you on FB as Holly Storm-Burge, & I I follow you with BlogLovin'
under email hstorm799{at}gmail{dot}com. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!!!

Anónimo dijo...

i registered and also following you on bloglovin , but i dont have page on facebook, but instid of this i wrote about your giveaway on my wall in vk.com here you can check http://vk.com/wall21387124_1510
i hope you will enter me to giveaway)

Anónimo dijo...

i registered and also following you on bloglovin , but i dont have page on facebook, but instid of this i wrote about your giveaway on my wall in vk.com here you can check http://vk.com/wall21387124_1510 i hope you will enter me to giveaway)

Anónimo dijo...

i registered and also following you on bloglovin , but i dont have page on facebook, but instid of this i wrote about your giveaway on my wall in vk.com here you can check http://vk.com/wall21387124_1510 i hope you will enter me to giveaway)

LilyBiscuit dijo...

I register/follow
Valerie Carozza
vac 924 at gmail dot com

thank you

I love the photo of that beautiful shoe :)

Stephanie Ann dijo...

great giveaway!
fb - Stefanie Gladden
bloglovin - stefanie.gladden@gmail.com

Unknown dijo...

Hi, I have entered the giveaway

Unknown dijo...

Hi, I have entered the giveaway, thanks.

Tatli dijo...

Hi / Hola !
I'm entering the giveaway, muchas gracias :)

Bianca J. dijo...

GFC: lebi
FB: Sunshine's Fashion
BL/e-mail registered: ruth_jagers@libero.it

erikamilani dijo...

please enter meeeeee!!!
fb: erika milani

chiccacocca dijo...

please enter me!!
fb: chicca cocca
gfc: chiccacocca

Petite Style Beauty dijo...

Enter me!
Email/Bloglovin': sidney_3@hotmail.it
FB: Stella Incantevole

Unknown dijo...

Done all
GFC: Helena
FB: LadyOf TheDarkness
Email: helenalol@virgilio.it

Anna Strife dijo...

Done all
GFC: Skye
FB: Skye Kumi
Email: cloudlovely@hotmail.it

beatgu dijo...

Fabuloso!!! :D

Me he registrado :)
faccebook: Beatriz Rd Rd

Anónimo dijo...

I would love to win! It was just my birthday on March 18th, so if I win I will be a very happy birthday girl!

I signed up for Edition01
I like you on Facebook (Amber H)
I follow you on Bloglovin

Thank you :)

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

sonia dijo...

enter me please
GFC: s.brandolone
FB: sonia brandolone
MAIL: s.brandolone@libero.it e registrata al sito

Elisabeth dijo...

Thank you so much for this great giveaway! I completed all of the steps! :)

vandango33 at gmail dot com

Anónimo dijo...

valentinafruch(at)hotmail.it Mail, bloglovin and registered email
valentina frucchi fruch fb
valentina fruch GFC

Florinda dijo...

Awesome giveaway! Enter me please! :)
GFC: floryfrancy
Bloglovin/e-mail: floryfrancy(at)inwind(dot)it
Registered with my fb account
FB: Florinda Fraccalvieri

Finger crossed! ;)

adry dijo...

fb adriana costanzo
mail mbilla82@yahoo.it

adry dijo...

fb adriana costanzo
mail mbilla82@yahoo.it

Alessia dijo...

Enter me please!
Registered, FB and bloglovin follower.

alelale at live dot com

Rox Eco-Friendly dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Chicca dijo...

Hi,enter me!
GFC/FB:Chicca Tamburrino

4passiNellaMiaVita dijo...

enter me please ^^

GFC Francesca Scirpoli



THANKS!!! ^_^


this diva is psycho dijo...

hi thanks for the giveaway
Registered as angel charm
Liked on facebook -jenna sara
Followed on bloglovin -lifeisapuzzlepiece
Email angelinrhythm(at)yahoo(dot)com

Efunny dijo...

I entered! thank u 4 this giveaway, i'm a new follower

my fb: Giveme Agalaxy
my mail: violet77grey@gmail.com

chicbenefits dijo...

Enter me.

Rachelle dijo...

ookay this giveaway is absolutely breathtaking! like it would take my breath away to win hehe:) that dress is gorgeous. thanks for hosting such a cool giveaway for ur readers!


Sara dijo...

I entered!!!
fb: sara melotti
email: sarettadancermlt@gmail.com

alyson dijo...

Done =D
GFC: Cute Girl
Facebook: Sae Kurosawa
Email/Bloglovin: Tifafd@libero.it

Colleen Boudreau dijo...

I Like you on facebook
I follow you on bloglovin
holliister at gmail dot com

Mamavalveeta03 dijo...

I'm registered on Edition01 as Valerie Pease Hoffmann
valhoff 3 at yahoo dot com
I like you on Facebook.
I follow you on Bloglovin'

MissOrletto dijo...

Uhuhu...me gusta este sorteo!!:P
Mi nombre en fb: Nicoletta Mariquita
email/bloglovin: alia87ify@hotmail.it

Bunny B dijo...

Bunnyb B

Anónimo dijo...

Partecipo e ho condiviso qui
ti seguo su Blogloving as fufottina
e su edition01 sono Simona Giveaway

punkettina85 dijo...

I entered the giveaway!
On fb: flower bomb

caty dijo...

Registered at Edition01
Caterina Mariposina
Fb: Caterina Mariposina
Bloglovin: maison-@hotmail.it

Anónimo dijo...

Following your blog! (oksana)

1. I registered on Edition01!
2. I like you on facebook! (Oksana Vladimirovna)
3. Following you on bloglovin!

Thank you for the chance!


Unknown dijo...

Thanks so much for this, please enter me

zoe hunter lee on fb
madforfashion on gfc

madforfashion at aol.com

Anissa dijo...

Thanks for the chance. Did all 3 above. An Gooch on fb

Amandah dijo...

I entered :)Thank you for this opportunity!

roberta*** dijo...

FB : roberta patorno

Elly dijo...

great giveaway!
fb: Elly Fann

BlackAsphodel dijo...

I signed up to Edition01 as Black Asphodel/blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com

I liked you on Facebook as Black Asphodel

I follow you on Bloglovin's as blackasphodel(at)yahoo(dot)com

laavsh dijo...

all done :)

edition01 : bibiana dellavie harlow
facebook name : bibiana dellavie harlow

bloglovin : laavsh (sii_wondercipee@yahoo.com)

Christy Stephanie dijo...

wow thanks for the giveaway, please enter me! :)

I like you on facebook : Christy Stephanie
I follow you on bloglovin.

La chica del guisante dijo...

¡Muchas gracias por esta maravillosa oportunidad!

Participando :)

Jasmin dijo...

registered on edition01
like you on fb
follow on bloglovin
thank you
jasmin george

Jasmine1485 dijo...

I've registered as Kate Ryan on Edition01, I'm a fan on Facebook as Kate Ryan and I'm following on Bloglovin using the email below :)

kate1485 at hotmail.com

Ashley Morrissey dijo...

Hi!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

I follow on bloglovin' under ashummz05@yahoo.com

I signed up with Edition01 with my Facebook Ashley Marie Morrissey and the email is ashummz05@yahoo.com

I also liked on FB and the name is the same!

Thanks again,
-Ashley Marie Morrissey

Colin Xavier dijo...

Joined Edition101 under Colin Batchelor email is colinb9000@gmail.com

Liked on Facebook under Colin Batchelor

I also follow on Bloglovin'


Colin Batchelor

Stephy dijo...

Que buen sorteo

He hecho todos los pasos!!


Ola dijo...

Registered, liked, following :)

Ola Zielinska

ali82a dijo...

great giveaway!! Thank you!!!
Enter me, please :)

Anónimo dijo...

I registered at Edition01, like you on Facebook as Christy Ann, and follow on Bloglovin! Thanks!

Anónimo dijo...

Love this give-away, just entered :) x

an ika dijo...

Did all !
Joined Edition101 -anna_k67 at yahoo dot com
Liked on FB-Anna Ku
Following on bloglovin


anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

Sherry86 dijo...

Thanks for this :D
fingers crossed!

FB: Lucia Izzo
email: fairywitch86[at]libero.it

Anónimo dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Anónimo dijo...

Awesome giveaway! Did everything. :)



Ivette Petrova dijo...

I did the registration, followed you on Bloglovin' and liked your page on FB (name: Iveta Petrova)
Best regards,

ClaireElise dijo...

I entered:)

vivien-zsofia dijo...

Registered, followed on bloglovin and liked on facebook.
Amazing giveaway:)

Life's Simple Pleasures dijo...

I am already registered on Edition01 since last time (does that still count?)
Liked you on facebook as Nikki O

reviewsbyabby at gmail dot com

Rachel M dijo...

Entered the giveaway!

Miriana Lajtman. dijo...

Hiya! Registered, followed you and liked your facebook page! Hope I win!

Miriana Lajtman

Cynthia.Richardson dijo...

I registered on Edition01
I Like you on Facebook - Cynthia M Richardson
I am a Bloglovin' follower - Cynthia Richardson


Koleen Enriquez dijo...

Registered and followed!
Name: Koleen Enriquez
Thank you!

Ľubaša dijo...

Registrated at "lubaska at hotmail dot com", and liked on FB (Lubka Kotmanikova) and bloglovin (Lubaska dot k atgmail dot com)

Unknown dijo...

Already registered w/ Edition101. Liked and followed :)
