

I feel so HAPPY!! Sometimes I have no words or ways to THANK to the life for been so GOOD to me, I have  all what I have wanted to have , is like living in a dream awake . Thanks to the lovely people who is with me even in the distance family, friends, readers, for all the e-mails, for your advice, for a click, for your WORDS, everything you do is IMPORTANT to me  :) . 
I will keep doing my best, working hard and will win more battles, because this is just the beginning.
Because LOVE gives me power :) 
Peace, Love & Joy ,
Me siento tan feliz! A veces no tengo palabras o formas de GRACIAS a la vida por ser tan buena conmigo, tengo todo lo que he querido tener, es como vivir en un sueño, pero despierta. Gracias a la gente que me acompaña incluso en la distancia familia, amigos, lectores, gracias por los e-mails, por su consejo, por cada clic, por sus palabras, todo lo que hacen es importante para mí :).
Voy a seguir haciendo mi mejor esfuerzo, trabajando duro y ganando más batallas, ya que esto es sólo el comienzo.
Porque el AMOR me da poder :) 

Paz , amor y alegría,


6 comentarios:

erica dijo...

thank u for ur visit, i was very pleased!!! u are the first non-italian to comment on my blog and that makes me happy!!! ^^
i had a look at ur blog and i must say that ur style i love it!!! ^^
i follow ur blog and u look back on my!!! ^^
...sorry for my english...
a kiss

Style With K dijo...

i just found your blog. I would like to invite you to the first giveaway on my blog. A nice pair of sunnies! it's worldwide! = )
I allways follow back!

kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

mispapelicos dijo...

Aminta ¿Cómo haces ese collage tan chulo. Yo sólo consigo hacerlos cuadrados???

The Cat Hag dijo...

Hello Dearie,

I am glad to see that you are so well-loved.

After all a person's life is so much more enriched having the concern of so many caring people. ♥

The Cat Hag

The Cat Hag

mispapelicos dijo...

Gracias diosa. A ver qué me sale????
Ya te cuento.

Keyla M. Rosas R. dijo...

i just found your blog. I would like to invite you to the first giveaway on my blog. A nice pair of sunnies! it's worldwide! = )
I allways follow back!

kisses from La Mode En Rose = )