

Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate ! 

Pirates of the Caribbean

creepers amintaonline / gifted dress, hat and socks / vintage blouse  thrifted GAP jacket /  Sunglasses Roberto Martín

No todos los tesoros son oro y plata, camarada !

Piratas del caribe


22 comentarios:

K A T H L E E N dijo...

those tights are awesome

Unknown dijo...

I love the socks and the dress, the sleeves on it are really pretty.



Karina Donayre dijo...

Una preciosidad de vestido, me encantan las mangas!!!

Besitos linda.

Claudia Paola dijo...

This outfit is brilliant, Aminta!! I am in love!! You really highlighted the grunge influence (that flannel shirt is gorgeous, and the creepers look perfect on you!) But you also kept the whole look very "you" and very glam. Those thigh-high tights look amazing, especially with the contrast of the creepers. Such a great look! xxxxxx

Baby Budget Blog dijo...

Loving the thigh highs, the mix of plaid and the creepers!!!


Content Director - Strong Female Leaders dijo...

Love your mix of casual and dressy. You surprise me every time.

Sam dijo...

Your outfit is really great, I love the pictures!


my thrifty closet dijo...

these pictures are full of fashion vibe, you look great in any style and so versatile! The lacy top is gorgeous.


Pull Your Socks Up! dijo...

Oh gawd look at all that fabulous layering darlink!!! I love the tartan denim combo with your gorgeous frisky little frock! Legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So excited, your parcel is on its way! xoxo

Nekiah Torres dijo...

That dress with those hi-socks = WOW!! You look amazing! Kiah

Anónimo dijo...

your style always rocks sweets! thanks!

what style does Your man wear, then lovely!? ;)


mistylo by cris dijo...

Me encantaan las medias-calzas!tienes nueva seguidora!

Unknown dijo...

Pues si que es cierto, los buenos momentos siempre están llenos de de tesoros!!!
Feliz fin de, guapa!!!

Unknown dijo...

Buena entrada, me gusta el look.
Un saludo

Iulia Romana dijo...

I simply adore your unconventional outfit posts :x The denim + checked shirt reminds me of Nirvana :) Huugs :*

Kitty dijo...

too right, matey!!! Some of it is GIRRRLLLL!!!!

Lynn / Melancora dijo...

Me encantan tus medias!!! Y el vestido también.


Unknown dijo...

Long time ago no posting you my mate! :)

Espero que todo te vaya muy bien y sigas teniendo muchos éxitos...
Un besazo enorme Aminta! :)


Severine Arend dijo...

Awesome creepers ! loving this look.xo

esesteinstante dijo...

Pedazo de look Aminta, me encanta tu estilo!!


Unknown dijo...

awesome tights! and that furry hat is really cool too.. I like your style.. cool blog. xoxo

The life after dijo...

I do like the thights!

The Life After